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God and Nations
by: Dalton Gilreath

I.                Introduction

A.    God is immutable (Heb 6:17-19)

                                                    i.     The Greek term is similar to the word, metamorphosis

                                                   ii.     However, it has the prefix “a” in front of it

1.     In other words, God does not transform

2.     God never changes!

B.    God’s law changed

                                                    i.     The Old Testament was removed and the New Testament established

                                                   ii.     God’s nature, however, has not and will not change

1.     Let’s consider the nature and working of God

2.     Specifically, let’s see how He works in nations

II.              Assyria

A.    Assyria and her king, Sennacherib, were a rod in the hand of God (Isa 10:5-7)

                                                    i.     They did not know they were following God’s will but they did anyway

                                                   ii.     In their heart they were simply conquering Israel and expanding their power and wealth

B.    Were they guiltless since God used them?

                                                    i.     It was their own choice to conquer and they were arrogant and full of pride in doing so (Isa 10:12-15)

                                                   ii.     Therefore, God held them accountable for their sin

1.     In fact, He chose to destroy them for their pride (Isa 10:24-25)

2.     This began with the angel in 2 Kings 19:35-37

3.     However, it ultimately ended when God used another nation, Babylon, to destroy them (Zeph 2:12-15, Nah 1:14)

III.            Babylon

A.    Habbakuk came to God concerned about the sin of Judah (Hab 1:3-6, 11)

                                                    i.     God responded that he would use the Chaldeans, Babylonians, to punish Judah

                                                   ii.     Habbakuk was shocked God would use a wicked nation (Hab 1:12-17)

1.     God revealed His plan and reason to Habakkuk (2:6-9, 12-19)

2.     There were 5 reasons God would destroy Babylon after using them

3.     Once again we see God using a nation as His instrument

B.    In 587 B.C. Babylon took Judah captive

                                                    i.     Among those taken was Daniel

                                                   ii.     Daniel was trained in the ways of Nebuchadnezzar and became high up in the kingdom

1.     The king began to have dreams and Daniel was his interpreter

2.     God desired Nebuchadnezzar learn that He sets up, removes, and allows kings their power and wealth (Dan 2:21)

a.     In the king’s pride God taught him a lesson (Dan 4:17)

b.     He was turned into a beast in order to learn that God is always in control (Dan 5:21)

C.    Next we see God use the Medes and Persians to conquer Babylon for their sin (Jer 51:11, Isa 45:1, 5)

                                                    i.     Over and over God uses these wicked nations for His purpose

                                                   ii.     No matter what a nation and its leaders my do God is still in control and can use them for His will

IV.            Our Nation Today

A.    In the New Testament we see God still working the same way through His providence

                                                    i.     Pilate asked Jesus if He realized he could send Him to the cross (John 19:10-11)

                                                   ii.     Jesus’ powerful response was that Pilate only has that power because God gave it to him

B.    Paul wrote that Christians are to obey the nation’s governmental powers

                                                    i.     The leaders and those who practice discipline by law are ministers in the hand of God (Rom 13:1-4)

                                                   ii.     Our president and our leaders are in place because God allowed it to be such

                                                 iii.     Anything they add or remove to the laws of this country are because God gave them the power to do such

                                                 iv.     He is still in control today!

C.    Lastly, there is a great picture of judgment upon nations throughout the scriptures

                                                    i.     When a nation is destroyed Jesus is depicted as “coming in the clouds” (Isa 19:1-2)

                                                   ii.     Furthermore, the sky is describes as failing to give light (Isa 13:10)

1.     In the New Testament we see this same description used of Jerusalem (Matt 24:27-31)

2.     Jesus brought judgment upon Jerusalem when He brought Rome to destroy it in AD 70

D.    In conclusion, we notice Habakkuk’s attitude towards God’s power and control over nations

                                                    i.     He was in awe over God’s might

                                                   ii.     However, He trusted God would take care of His own