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Victor M. Eskew
Webster defines “tradition” as follows: “action of handing over… 1: the handing down of
information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one
generation to another without written instruction. 2: an inherited pattern of thought or
action (as a religious doctrine or practice or a social custom).” Note that Webster includes religious
practices within his definition of tradition. Is Mr. Webster correct in doing
this? Does religion involve
tradition? The answer is,
“Yes.” Our question for this
article is: “Are we stuck in our
tradition?” If so, should we
There are two broad kinds of traditions in the religious realm. One of these is called “apostolic
tradition.” The traditions found in
this category have been handed down to us by inspired men. These “hand me downs” involve the
regulations from God to man. Paul
tells us what we are to do with these traditions in II Thessalonians 2:15. “Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and
hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our
epistle.” Paul exhorts us to “hold”
to apostolic tradition. The word
“hold” literally means “to use strength.”
In other words, Paul tells us to seize the traditions that God has given
with all our strength and do not let them go. They are to be retained from generation
to generation. They are to be kept
carefully and faithfully. In
essence, Paul is telling us to be steadfastly stuck in the divine
The second type of tradition involves the traditions of men. These traditions originate with man and
not with God. These traditions fall
into two categories. One category
involves traditions that are lawful to be done. The practice of these man-made
traditions does not violate the apostolic traditions laid down in the Word of
God. Let’s look at an example. Apostolic tradition commands us to
assemble on the first day of the week (Heb. 10:25; Acts 20:7). The precise time of our meeting,
however, is not specified. Each
congregation is free to select the time it will meet for the assembly on the
first day of the week.
Another type of man-made tradition is one that violates, or makes null,
the Word of God. The religious
leaders of Jesus’ day had some traditions that did this. Jesus exposed their tradition as
error. “But he answered and said
unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your
tradition? For God commanded,
saying, Honour thy father and mother:
and, he that curseth father or mother let him die the death. But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his
father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by
me; and honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus ye have made the commandment of God
of none effect by your tradition” (Matt. 15:3-6). Traditions that violate God’s will and
make null the commands of God are sinful.
They keep men from obeying divine traditions. These traditions should never be
developed much less kept to the point of being stuck in
What have we seen in this article? First, there is divine tradition and man-made tradition. Divine tradition is to be held. We cannot change it. Sadly, many of the change agents in the church are doing exactly that. Second, there are man-made traditions that are lawful. They do not violate the commands of God. They can be changed, but they are only exchanged for more man-made tradition. Third, there is a set of man-made traditions that can violate God’s Word. If followed, it will condemn the soul. It must be omitted at all costs. Are we stuck in our traditions? If divine, yes. If lawful man-made traditions, possibly. If unlawful man-made traditions, never!