OceanSide church of Christ
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The Influence of One Little Girl
2 Kings 5:1-17
1. Usually view this passage in light of Naaman
2. Background of this period in Israel’s history
3. Information on the little maid:
§ No name given
§ No definite age given
§ May have originally resided in or near Samaria
§ Knows about Samaria & is familiar with Elisha
§ Was taken captive by the Syrians
§ Currently serves Naaman’s wife
4. Though “little” is said about her physically, can determine a good deal about her spiritually
5. What can we determine about the influence of one little girl?
A. Notable because:
1. This was an enemy (cf. Rom. 12:17-21)
2. They were Gentiles (cf. Jonah 4:1-11)
3. She had likely been taken from her family
B. Yet, demonstrates compassion for this foreign military leader
1. “Compassion”- To have pity, a feeling of distress through the ills of others; to suffer with another, to be affected similarly; to be touched with (Heb. 4:15)"
2. God has compassion for us (Rom. 9:15)
3. Christ demonstrated compassion
a. Mt. 9:36
b. Mk. 1:41
A. Far from home, removed from family & friends, serving a foreign leader’s wife, yet turns a negative into a positive
1. Made lemonade out of the lemons handed her
2. Was an optimist
3. “An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity”
4. “Optimism is the determination to see more in something than there is.”
B. Others who seized opportunities- Joseph, David, Paul
A. Amazing statement of faith (vs. 3)
B. Amazing because of the little maid’s homeland
1. Appears that she is from Samaria (or somewhere close)
2. Samaria- capital city of northern tribes at this time
3. Northern tribes did not have reputation of faithfulness
C. Even though few around her faithful, her trust in God did not diminish
1. Sometimes being a young person can be a lonely thing
2. Even if only one, can demonstrate tremendous faith
A. Recall Paul’s words to Timothy (1 Tim. 4:12)
1. She did just that
2. She influenced Naaman’s wife, Naaman & the king of Syria
3. Though she was only a servant, they acted promptly to her suggestion
4. Something caught their attention
B. Often hear that young people are church of tomorrow…consider, though that…
1. Young people are likewise a part of the church today
2. Have tremendous ability to influence others for good
C. Young people, consider the consequences of your actions
1. Think about what you are doing & the end results
2. Consider the consequences before taking a step
1. Little maid is golden nugget hidden in marvelous text
2. She felt compassion for others
3. She seized an opportunity
4. She demonstrated a sizable faith
5. She exhibited a great influence