OceanSide church of Christ
Weekday Date Event Event Narrative Saturday Feb. 15
9:00 AM - 12:00 PMClothing give away The whole community is invited to OceanSide to take any free clothing items that they can use. Tuesday Feb. 18
6:30 PM - 8:30 PMVBS workshop Planning and preparing for Vacation Bible School Friday Feb. 21
6:30 PM - 8:30 PMSocial Event Members of OceanSide get together for an enjoyable evening Saturday Mar. 1
9:00 to noonStanding In the Gap There is a huge need in our brotherhood today to develop godly leadership, leadership in the home, the workplace and in the church. Thanks to the vision of the Lake City Elders a program was started to encourage such leadership training. Each year speakers from all over the brotherhood come to offer biblical lessons that challenge and encourage men to become the leaders God expects. Saturday Mar. 1
NoonLadies Luncheon Ladies, join the OceanSide ladies for lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant. Sunday Mar. 2
2:30 PMAssisted Living Service An uplifting service of spiritual songs and a short bible devotional for the residents of an assisted living facility. Saturday Mar. 8
9:00 to noonSpring Work Day We will be cleaning up some of the clutter at the building and performing some light maintenance and cleaning. Saturday Mar. 15
9:00 AM - 12:00 PMClothing give away The whole community is invited to OceanSide to take any free clothing items that they can use. Tuesday Mar. 18
6:30 PM - 8:30 PMVBS workshop Planning and preparing for Vacation Bible School Saturday Mar. 29
8:00 AMMen's Breakfast Men from the Arlington, Dean Road, and OceanSide congregations meet for a belt bustin' breakfast followed by a spiritually challenging discussion. Saturday Apr. 5
NoonLadies Luncheon Ladies, join the OceanSide ladies for lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant. Sunday Apr. 6
2:30 PMAssisted Living Service An uplifting service of spiritual songs and a short bible devotional for the residents of an assisted living facility. Sunday
WednesdayApr. 6
Apr. 92025 Gospel Meeting OceanSide will host Don Cates for our 2025 Gospel Meeting Tuesday Apr. 15
6:30 PM - 8:30 PMVBS workshop Planning and preparing for Vacation Bible School Saturday Apr. 19
8:00 AMAdopt-A-Highway Quarterly trash pickup along Atlantic Blvd to support free advertising for the church. Saturday Apr. 19
9:00 AM - 12:00 PMClothing give away The whole community is invited to OceanSide to take any free clothing items that they can use. Wednesday Apr. 30 5th Wed Singing Join us the fifth Wednesday of the month to enjoy singing your favorite hymns for one hour. Saturday May 3
NoonLadies Luncheon Ladies, join the OceanSide ladies for lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant. Sunday May 4
2:30 PMAssisted Living Service An uplifting service of spiritual songs and a short bible devotional for the residents of an assisted living facility. Saturday May 17
9:00 AM - 12:00 PMClothing give away The whole community is invited to OceanSide to take any free clothing items that they can use. Tuesday May 20
6:30 PM - 8:30 PMVBS workshop Planning and preparing for Vacation Bible School Saturday May 31
8:00 AMMen's Breakfast Men from the Arlington, Dean Road, and OceanSide congregations meet for a belt bustin' breakfast followed by a spiritually challenging discussion. Sunday Jun. 1
2:30 PMAssisted Living Service An uplifting service of spiritual songs and a short bible devotional for the residents of an assisted living facility. Tuesday Jun. 3
6:30 PM - 8:30 PMVacation Bible School VBS is each Tuesday of June 2025
Theme: Not yet determinedSaturday Jun. 7
NoonLadies Luncheon Ladies, join the OceanSide ladies for lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant. Tuesday Jun. 10
6:30 PM - 8:30 PMVacation Bible School VBS is each Tuesday of June 2025
Theme: Not yet determinedTuesday Jun. 17
6:30 PM - 8:30 PMVacation Bible School VBS is each Tuesday of June 2025
Theme: Not yet determinedSaturday Jun. 21
9:00 AM - 12:00 PMClothing give away The whole community is invited to OceanSide to take any free clothing items that they can use. Tuesday Jun. 24
6:30 PM - 8:30 PMVacation Bible School VBS is each Tuesday of June 2025
Theme: Not yet determinedSaturday Jul. 5
NoonLadies Luncheon Ladies, join the OceanSide ladies for lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant. Sunday Jul. 6
2:30 PMAssisted Living Service An uplifting service of spiritual songs and a short bible devotional for the residents of an assisted living facility. Saturday Jul. 19
8:00 AMAdopt-A-Highway Quarterly trash pickup along Atlantic Blvd to support free advertising for the church. Saturday Jul. 19
9:00 AM - 12:00 PMClothing give away The whole community is invited to OceanSide to take any free clothing items that they can use. Wednesday Jul. 30 5th Wed Singing Join us the fifth Wednesday of the month to enjoy singing your favorite hymns for one hour. Saturday Aug. 2
NoonLadies Luncheon Ladies, join the OceanSide ladies for lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant. Sunday Aug. 3
2:30 PMAssisted Living Service An uplifting service of spiritual songs and a short bible devotional for the residents of an assisted living facility. Saturday Aug. 16
9:00 AM - 12:00 PMClothing give away The whole community is invited to OceanSide to take any free clothing items that they can use. Saturday Aug. 23 Adult Bible Bowl Test your Bible memory of the book of Daniel against others at OceanSide and local congregations. A little friendly competition and a great way to increase your bible knowledge Saturday Aug. 30
8:00 AMMen's Breakfast Men from the Arlington, Dean Road, and OceanSide congregations meet for a belt bustin' breakfast followed by a spiritually challenging discussion. Saturday Sep. 6
NoonLadies Luncheon Ladies, join the OceanSide ladies for lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant. Sunday Sep. 7
2:30 PMAssisted Living Service An uplifting service of spiritual songs and a short bible devotional for the residents of an assisted living facility. Saturday Sep. 13
5:30 PM - 7:00 PMArea-wide singing Members of the area-wide congregations come together to sing and fellowship. Saturday Sep. 20
9:00 AM - 12:00 PMClothing give away The whole community is invited to OceanSide to take any free clothing items that they can use. Sunday Sep. 28 Anniversary dinner OceanSide's annual anniversary potluck fellowship. Begins after 2nd Worship Service. The OceanSide congregation began meeting on September 30, 1984. Saturday Oct. 4
NoonLadies Luncheon Ladies, join the OceanSide ladies for lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant. Sunday Oct. 5
2:30 PMAssisted Living Service An uplifting service of spiritual songs and a short bible devotional for the residents of an assisted living facility. Saturday Oct. 11
10:00 AM - 12:00 PMCatch-A-Vision The Elders and members of OceanSide discuss their visions on how to grow the congregation Saturday Oct. 18
8:00 AMAdopt-A-Highway Quarterly trash pickup along Atlantic Blvd to support free advertising for the church. Saturday Oct. 18
9:00 AM - 12:00 PMClothing give away The whole community is invited to OceanSide to take any free clothing items that they can use. Wednesday Oct. 29 5th Wed Singing with Devotionals Join us this fifth Wednesday of the month for an hour of singing and devotionals. Saturday Nov. 1
NoonLadies Luncheon Ladies, join the OceanSide ladies for lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant. Saturday Nov. 1
Noon to 2:00Fall Festival Join us for our Fall Festival
Costumes encouraged, games, hair painting, candy, bounce obstacle course, and moreSunday Nov. 2
2:30 PMAssisted Living Service An uplifting service of spiritual songs and a short bible devotional for the residents of an assisted living facility. Saturday Nov. 8
9:00 to noonFall Work Day We will be cleaning up some of the clutter at the building and performing some light maintenance and cleaning. Saturday Nov. 15
9:00 AM - 12:00 PMClothing give away The whole community is invited to OceanSide to take any free clothing items that they can use. Saturday Nov. 29
8:00 AMMen's Breakfast Men from the Arlington, Dean Road, and OceanSide congregations meet for a belt bustin' breakfast followed by a spiritually challenging discussion. Friday Dec. 5
6:30 PMAdult holiday dinner The OceanSide Annual Holiday Party and Dinner is an opportunity to enjoy an evening of fun-food-and fellowship. You will not stop laughing at the exchange of silly inexpensive gifts and the maneuvering to get that one special gift! Saturday Dec. 6
NoonLadies Luncheon Ladies, join the OceanSide ladies for lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant. Sunday Dec. 7
2:30 PMAssisted Living Service An uplifting service of spiritual songs and a short bible devotional for the residents of an assisted living facility. Saturday Dec. 20
9:00 AM - 12:00 PMClothing give away The whole community is invited to OceanSide to take any free clothing items that they can use. Wednesday Dec. 31 5th Wed Singing Join us the fifth Wednesday of the month to enjoy singing your favorite hymns for one hour.